You’ve seen the mansions. You’ve seen the cars. You’ve seen the private jets. But you’ve been sold a lie. Entrepreneurship isn’t all glitz and glam. There’s a dark side that no one seems to acknowledge or talk about, pitfalls that chew up wantrepreneurs and spit them out by the thousands every day leaving them bankrupt, defeated and broken.

The Inevitability of Crypto
With Russell Armand
January 1, 2022
Hosted By: Will Roundtree
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Russell was in the military for 8 years before moving into the business and finance space. After hearing about crypto-currency from the younger generation, Russell was driven to empower people of all ages and cultures to be in control of their own money and create their own wealth opportunities. With an MBA in Business Management, he began investing in crypto and learning blockchain development in 2019 and has been actively involved ever since. He took over as one of the Saitama developers in June 2021, and is gearing up for what is to become one of the top 5 cryptocurrencies in the market.
Russell Armand, Founder and CEO of a next-generation community-driven platform and cryptocurrency Saitama, joins us for today’s episode of the Full Time CEO Podcast. Russell was in the military for 8 years before moving into the business and finance space. After hearing about crypto-currency from the younger generation, Russell was driven to empower people of all ages and cultures to be in control of their own money and create their own wealth opportunities. With an MBA in Business Management, he began investing in crypto and learning blockchain development in 2019 and has been actively involved ever since. He took over as one of the Saitama developers in June 2021, and is gearing up for what is to become one of the top 5 cryptocurrencies in the market. Tune in as we talk about the roots of the Saitama Token, his vision for the community and the platform, and how crypto is slowly becoming an inevitable part of our lives.